Behold in the sky the dreadful planet Rahu, by his own effulgence, is possesing the star Swati4 and is waiting in your tenth star Chitra.5 The dreadful planet Mangala6 is united with them in its oblique course (25).
By its dreadful effulgence Budha7 has covered the western sky in the evening. And going beyond its course Sukra is ranging in the sky (26).
Separated by the tail of Ketu8 Bharani9 and other twelve planets are following the moon (27).
Encircled by a disc the dawn with its effulgence is obstructing the sun and the birds and animals are going in contrary directions with cries (23)
Crying continually and emitting ember-like breaths the dreadful jackals are coming out of the cremation-grounds and going towards the city both in the morning and evening (29).
Fire-brands are falling on earth with a terrible sound and the earth and mountain summits are shaking all on a sudden (30).
The sun being possessed by Rahu the day is appearing like a night and all the quarters are filled with portendous smoke and thunder-bolts (31).